Area of a kite

A kite is a quadrilateral, that is, a four sided figure.
It has two pairs of equal sides, and each pair of equal sides are adjacent.
The opposite sides in a kite are unequal.
The diagonals of a kite intersect at right angles.
The area of a kite has a slightly different formula than that of other regular quadrilaterals like squares and rectangles. The formula is:

Area of kite = half of the product of the length of the diagonals

Diagonals are the lines drawn between opposite vertices (vertices is the plural of vertex, which means a corner of a closed figure where two sides of the figure meet.) of a figure. If the lengths of the diagonals of a kite are D1 units and D2 units respectively, then the area is given by:

Area of kite = 1/2 * D1 * D1

That is, if the length of the two diagonals of a kite is 22 m and 16 m respectively, then the area of the kite is:

Area of kite = 1/2 * 22 * 16 = 176 m^2

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