Solved Examples: Representing the solution of a linear equation on a number line

Solved Example 1

`2x + 3 = 6`


Solve the equation. Subtract 3 from both sides of the equation,
`2x + 3 - 3 = 6 - 3`
`2x = 3`
Divide throughout by 2,
`(2x)/2 = 3/2`
`x = 3/2`
Mark `x = 3/2 = 1.5` on a number line,
Solution of `2x + 3 = 6`

Solved Example 2

`4x + 1 = 5x + 2`


Solve the equation. Subtract 1 from both sides of the equation,
`4x + 1 - 1 = 5x + 2 - 1`
`4x = 5x + 1`
Subtract 5x from both sides of the equation,
`4x - 5x = 5x + 1 - 5x`
`-x =1`
Multiply throughout by -1,
`-1 * -x = -1 * 1`
`x = -1`
Mark x = -1 on a number line,
Solution of 4x + 1 = 5x + 2

Solved Example 3

`x/2 = x/3 + 3`


First, solve the equation. Subtract `x/3` from both sides of the equation,
`x/2 - x/3 = x/3 + 3 - x/3`
`x/6 = 3`
Multiply throughout by 6,
`x/6 * 6 = 3 * 6`
`x = 18`
Now mark 18 on a number line.
Solution of `x/2 = x/3 + 3`

Solved Example 4

`3x + 2 = 4x - 15`


Solve the equation. Subtract 2 from both sides of the equation,
`3x + 2 - 2 = 4x - 15 - 2`
`3x = 4x - 17`
Subtract 4x from both sides of the equation,
`3x - 4x = 4x - 17 - 4x`
`-x = -17`
Multiply throughout by -1,
`-x * -1 = -17 * -1`
`x = 17`
Mark x = 17 on a number line.
Solution of 3x + 2 = 4x - 15

Solved Example 5

`x + 2 = 3`


Solve the equation. Subtract 2 from both sides of the equation,
`x + 2 - 2 = 3 - 2`
`x = 1`
Graph x = 1 on a number line.
Solution of x + 2 = 3

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